How to Deal with Child Misbehaving, Cranky Kids

Tips to Deal with Child Misbehaving

Cranking Kids
DEALING cranky child for some moms is definitely not easy. Apparently, this is wrong, it's wrong. Trick is needed to keep his emotions under control.

Check out his review, as described Mira Firlana, Psi., M.Psi.

1. Provide a description of

When your child does not get what he wants, he definitely wants to know what the reason. Thus, Moms is not enough just to say "should not" but rather give a reason why it should not be done. Of course the language or understand the reasons children.

2. Parents must be firm

Allow the child when she was crying rolling around or perhaps silent because they do not obtain what he wants. Children will think that by such action he still would not obtain whatever he wants. Moms and Dads to be compact, not that one gives while the other prohibits it.

In addition, parents need to be consistent, because otherwise the child will be confused because the decision mutually. Moms, do not be sorry for the crying or whining child, because the child was able to manipulate.

3. Provide a description of re

Find the time that 'fit', encourage children to talk and give an explanation on why the time a child is not attained, for example. At the heart of being a good situation, insert will usually be more readily accepted by such a different child when she is cranky. Moms could have been the reason the ban was not received.

4. Reduce the desire to always obey what the children want

Moms or Dads Maybe when a child does not always obtain whatever it wants, and to 'reward' always obey whatever the child asked. Well, if you have this might even be misleading rather than educate children. Unfortunately the child was not always give them what they asked for, but more on attention and what they need. So give what you think Moms are necessary, useful and 'fair' to the child.

It is important for parents!

1. Apply relaxation techniques such as deep breath. This method is powerful enough to bring down 'tension' Moms or Dads who began to rise in the face of the little cranky.

2. Remember that children are not adults in the form of a small child. So the child still does not understand how to respond to something (such as unfulfilled desire) and the child is still in need of understanding and explanation.

3. If the child being 'different' from the rest of the family, parents should be aware that information can now be obtained easily from the outside, such as a television or peers. So do not be surprised if no one in the house who likes cranky, suddenly the little guy even like cranky.

4. Increase your knowledge of the stages of child development, both from magazines, books, internet or otherwise. So you know whether your baby's doings is reasonable or not. After all, this is all for the sake of the development of the baby so that maximum.

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