6 Benefit for Mom Sleeping 1 Bed With Their Babies

Benefits for Mom Sleeping  Same Bed With The Babies

Sleep with baby store a variety of benefits, one of which is to build attachment parenting (AP) between parent and child. Problem keamanaan bed together, no doubt.

"I have an instinct not to rest on her baby. This is in contrast to her husband or children (sister, for example), so they are not recommended to sleep with the baby," said Dr. Hadining, SpA. "Compared roommate, share a bed more benefits because a parent can be closer to his son. There is no harm or negative side of the bed with the baby," he added.

Here are some of the benefits of sleep with the baby:

* Mutual strengthen the relationship.
Special relationship between mother and child can be established because there is proximity. Very close distance while the mother and baby sleep side by side, creating harmony. Because, the position of the mother and baby to meet each other face, the nose position they both face each other. By the time the mother breathed her soft, it will be felt by the baby. A gust of breath is able to stimulate the baby's mother became more organized and better.

Infant sleep position that is close to the mother also makes the baby can smell the scent of the mother's body and obtain a touch warmer with more intense. In addition to making quieter, it also lowers the stress on the baby.

* Babies sleep more restful and deep.
Sleep side by side with the mother makes the baby more calm and asleep. Better quality of sleep will affect the baby's development in the future. Based on the research, during sleep all the cells of the human body, including muscle cells, liver, kidney, bone marrow, and brain cells to recover. Hormones produced even more active. All that is important to improve the quality and efficiency of the brain.

* The quality and quantity of sleep to be better mothers.
By sleeping in the same bed, the mother can breastfeed immediately calms or when the baby woke up in the middle of the night. Generally, the mother may soon fall back asleep and sleep cycles of both can harmonize with each other. This condition is certainly beneficial because it can improve the quality and quantity of sleep mother.

Generally the mother is well aware of the baby, so that his position will not disturb or harm the baby. The hormones that occur when the baby feeds also cause a relaxing effect, required the mother to be able to sleep again.

* It is easier to breastfeed.
Adjacent position will help the baby suckle easier on the mother. Breastfed babies at night also helps mothers avoid the breast swollen and throbbing. This can cause a variety of symptoms of mastitis (infection of the milk ducts). Sleeping with your baby is also beneficial for parents to work because it can help mothers establish stickiness return after lunch did not meet with her ​​baby.

* Assist the development of the baby.
Share a bed allowing baby to sleep peacefully and soundly. When asleep, the baby experienced a rapid growth. Babies also can breastfeed longer. This gives an additional suction more hindmilk (the milk flowing back which is usually after 15 minutes of breastfeeding). Hindmilk contains high fat and stimulate milk production.

* Develop trust between parent and baby.
Bed together lets give confidence to the baby, no mother at his side always ready to meet the wishes of the beloved baby quickly and precisely. This is certainly very beneficial for the baby as a capital to develop self-confidence (self-esteem) that play a role shaping the personality of the future.

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