Cavities, Mouth, teeth, gums, smell Treatment And Problem In kids

Cavities, Mouth, teeth, gums, smell Problem in kids

Healthy Mouth, no Cavities Teeth & healthy Gums For Your Kids

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day should be one of our daily ritual.

"Ceremony" was at least able to prevent the presence of plaque, the culprit of a number of problems in the mouth.

Many people claim to have brushed my teeth every day. However, they are still complaining hit by teething problems. Either perforated teeth, inflamed gums, teeth rocky, or mouth odor dragon. So, what is wrong? Her teeth or how to rub?

Starting from plaque
A number of studies have shown, the culprit causing some issues affecting the oral cavity was not him or dental plaque dental plaque. A thin layer of clear that attach to the tooth surface, sometimes found in the gums and tongue. Layer was not another collection of food waste, and is usually accompanied by a handful of bacteria and some proteins of saliva.

Unfortunately, plaque is always ngendon in the mouth because it can be formed at any time. He will disappear after mechanically cleaned by brushing teeth. Will be more clean if followed by flossing.

When left alone, plaque will accumulate calcified and hardened. In the end, forming tartar or calculus is hard and firmly attached to the neck of the tooth. That is why the teeth on that part colored black, brown, or greenish.

Disorders caused by tartar is usually more severe. If allowed to accumulate, tartar can meresorbsi (absorb) the alveolar bone supporting the teeth. The result is clear, the teeth become loose.

Because visible to the naked eye and is associated with cosmetics, tartar more often steal the show. Unfortunately, we can not cope alone. Need help dentists to eliminate it by means of scaling. That is, yes throw tartar.

The bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguine that in normal circumstances it is in the oral cavity - also create problems. When hordes of bacteria was met with the rest of the food (especially sugary sucrose) below salivary enzyme reaction will occur that produce acid fermentation. When the acid was continuously produced, there will be a process of demineralization or softening the enamel layer closest (email outermost and hardest part of the tooth). Because email softened, arises caries or cavities.

If you find a spot (dot) white or brown on the teeth, the early signs of caries. The longer the dot grew larger, forming a hole. Usually there is still no complaints of pain at this stage. However, when the demineralization process continues up to the next layer of the tooth, the dentin, this created a sense of pain when exposed to stimuli. Obviously ache because dentin pores associated with neural network gear.

Plaque at the gum tissues that are not cleaned regularly can also irritate the gums so that the gums become red, bleed easily, and sometimes swollen. This is the first signs of gingivitis (gum inflammation). However, because sometimes it is not accompanied by pain, symptoms that tend to go unnoticed and be left alone. When gingivitis is left unchecked, can shake the teeth, and finally dislodged itself.

If sensitive teeth
* It could happen, our teeth are not hollow, but when drinking hot or cold, sweet or sour foods chewing, sudden tooth ache. If that happens, maybe we are sensitive teeth.

There are various causes of frequent tooth ache when exposed to temperature or taste stimuli. Among them due to the abrasion on the neck of a tooth or a decline in the gums (gingival retraction) which causes the tooth root exposed. Abraded teeth or gums down is usually a result of our own actions is not right. For example, how to brush teeth properly or wear toothbrush bristles are too hard.

Sensitive teeth can also be due to the erosion of enamel because of wearing toothpaste is too abrasive materials. Because of eroded enamel, dentin becomes open, unprotected. As a result, the teeth become sensitive when exposed to stimuli.

Old age can also cause tooth sensitivity, because of retraction (decrease) in the gums that occurs physiologically. Sensitive teeth can also occur after scaling. At that time, exposed tooth root, so sensitive to stimuli. However, in this case the sense of pain usually goes away by itself so the gums close again.

If a tooth ache if we touch the tip of the nail and tooth neck area there are enough in the basin, it is a sign of abrasion that is quite deep. It's time to consult a dentist for further treatment. However, if there are not hollow, immediately replace the toothbrush with softer. In addition, the correct technique in brushing teeth, and use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Typically, special toothpaste for sensitive teeth contain sodium or strontium chloride monofluorofosfat. According to the study, two materials that will help close the pores open dentin that protects nerve tissue from temperature and taste stimuli. The effect is only felt after a while of use, and usefulness will expire if the use is stopped. So regular use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth is highly recommended.

Acidic foods, such as soft drinks and sour foods, should be avoided. Acid content will also increase the acid environment that will erode the protective material that covers the dentin pores.


* Have you ever heard the term halitosis? Yes, that's another name for bad breath.

Bad breath is the result of metabolism of oral bacteria and food debris, in the form of a gas called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). This gas consists of hydrogen sulphide substances, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl disulfid, and dimethyl sulphide. These substances are always produced in the metabolism of bacteria or normal flora of the oral cavity. So VSCs under normal circumstances there must be in everyone's mouth.

However, he will be a problem when there is an increase in the levels of VSCs in the mouth, ie when there is increased activity of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth that cause odor of VSCs will be wafted by the sense of smell. Increased activity could be due to low oxygen levels in the oral cavity that is when saliva or saliva production decreases, it could be due to gingivitis or tooth decay (caries).

How to overcome include:

* Take care of your health and oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day, morning and night before bed.

* Do not forget to brush your tongue as well, due to the uneven surface of the tongue allow for leftovers stuck there.

* Try to consume water as often as possible, but avoid drinking coffee because it will worsen the situation.

* Chewing gum sweetless or that do not contain sugar can also help to stimulate saliva production, especially for those who have thick saliva.

* Visiting your dentist. Maybe there are no cavities or tartar.


  1. Its amazing how much of the same disinformation is promoted around the world. Dentists are all in it together. The majority of all tooth problems go away when you brush with baking soda. Because the pH of the mouth is the key. Most mouth problems are the result of an acidic mouth. Soda creates an environment that stops the problems. When you eat food, you create a more acidic environment. But it will be far less acidic then before by using baking soda each day. Toothpaste and mouth washes are HIGHLY acidic. They solve nothing. I grew up as a "Crest kid". Had to go to the dentist every year like everyone else. TO have teeth cleaned. Battled tartar buildup, cavities. It was a non stop fight. But I have been using baking soda for three years. All those problems went away completely. Now I go to the dentist NEVER. And that is why they won't tell you to use baking soda. Because it would stop feeding the greedy dentists and corporations who are out to make money. They will lie for it, and they do.

  2. Have been visiting dentist Hermosa Beach for my dental problems as he is really very famous dentist. Recently took my little niece there as she was suffering from cavity and tooth pain. There she was treated very gently. Thanks to this great dentist.

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