Kids Croup cough or shortness of breath, is it Asthma Sign ?

check Your Kids sign, is your kids get asthma ?

Mother, if interference suffered shortness of breath cough your child is a sign of asthma? The answer may or may not be, depending on the cause of the cough itself.

Croup cough or shortness of breath is one of the diseases that are prevalent in children aged six months to three years or a little above it, but the majority of the causes of this respiratory disease is a viral infection contracted airways, especially in the larinx or throat.

According to, respiratory disorders may be caused by the influenza virus, parainfluenza, or respiratory syncytial virus. Because it is caused by a virus, then cough accompanied by shortness of breath can be contagious, you know, Mother.

That is, if one of your child's playmates cough shortness of breath, it is very possible your child to experience the same thing.

This is very different from the cough shortness of breath caused by asthma, where the disease is not transmitted, but tends to be lowered. Yes, children who have a family history of asthma or allergy sufferers are more prone to this disorder than children with normal family health history.

In cough shortness of breath caused by asthma, cough arising instead tend to dry and phlegm, unless asthma is triggered by a specific allergy that causes mucus or mucus in the lung area.

So, pay attention to the environment and the health of your family health history husband and yes, Mother. Because these two factors greatly affect the health of children. May be useful.

Recipes To Keep your Kids Teeth White & Healthy

Recipes To Keep your Kids Teeth White & Healthy
HEALTH in Teeth and mouth is not only influenced by the toothbrush and toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss. We also have to make friends with food and drinks that help organs remain healthy and strong chewing.

Sometimes we do not realize that the foods and beverages we consume can affect dental health. Coffee, tea, cola, red wine, and other colored drinks, is actually responsible for tooth discoloration.

In addition, cigarettes and drugs we consume may adversely affect the teeth. In fact, white teeth can support the appearance. Only, we often ignore it.

So what should not be underestimated in dental care in order to remain white and healthy? Prevention The following review may help you.


A diet rich in calcium make teeth stay strong and not easily swayed. The recommended intake is 1,000 mg / day for women under 50 years.

Vitamin C

This is a friend of vitamins teeth and gums. Vitamin C can help repair damaged oral tissue, and prevent infection.


Vegetable and fruit fiber is paradise. The taste is crisp fiber like natural detergent for teeth and gum areas. In addition, fiber is also able to get rid of bacteria and plaque. The saliva coming out while chewing fiber can help maintain the pH balance of our mouths.

 Black tea
Studies conducted by the University of Illinois College of Dentistry found that black tea can suppress the growth of bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis.

Fresh water

When drinking water, we not only can relieve thirst. Imperceptibly, dirt and bacteria that accumulate in the mouth also excluded.

Cavities, Mouth, teeth, gums, smell Treatment And Problem In kids

Cavities, Mouth, teeth, gums, smell Problem in kids

Healthy Mouth, no Cavities Teeth & healthy Gums For Your Kids

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day should be one of our daily ritual.

"Ceremony" was at least able to prevent the presence of plaque, the culprit of a number of problems in the mouth.

Many people claim to have brushed my teeth every day. However, they are still complaining hit by teething problems. Either perforated teeth, inflamed gums, teeth rocky, or mouth odor dragon. So, what is wrong? Her teeth or how to rub?

Starting from plaque
A number of studies have shown, the culprit causing some issues affecting the oral cavity was not him or dental plaque dental plaque. A thin layer of clear that attach to the tooth surface, sometimes found in the gums and tongue. Layer was not another collection of food waste, and is usually accompanied by a handful of bacteria and some proteins of saliva.

Unfortunately, plaque is always ngendon in the mouth because it can be formed at any time. He will disappear after mechanically cleaned by brushing teeth. Will be more clean if followed by flossing.

When left alone, plaque will accumulate calcified and hardened. In the end, forming tartar or calculus is hard and firmly attached to the neck of the tooth. That is why the teeth on that part colored black, brown, or greenish.

Disorders caused by tartar is usually more severe. If allowed to accumulate, tartar can meresorbsi (absorb) the alveolar bone supporting the teeth. The result is clear, the teeth become loose.

Because visible to the naked eye and is associated with cosmetics, tartar more often steal the show. Unfortunately, we can not cope alone. Need help dentists to eliminate it by means of scaling. That is, yes throw tartar.

The bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguine that in normal circumstances it is in the oral cavity - also create problems. When hordes of bacteria was met with the rest of the food (especially sugary sucrose) below salivary enzyme reaction will occur that produce acid fermentation. When the acid was continuously produced, there will be a process of demineralization or softening the enamel layer closest (email outermost and hardest part of the tooth). Because email softened, arises caries or cavities.

If you find a spot (dot) white or brown on the teeth, the early signs of caries. The longer the dot grew larger, forming a hole. Usually there is still no complaints of pain at this stage. However, when the demineralization process continues up to the next layer of the tooth, the dentin, this created a sense of pain when exposed to stimuli. Obviously ache because dentin pores associated with neural network gear.

Plaque at the gum tissues that are not cleaned regularly can also irritate the gums so that the gums become red, bleed easily, and sometimes swollen. This is the first signs of gingivitis (gum inflammation). However, because sometimes it is not accompanied by pain, symptoms that tend to go unnoticed and be left alone. When gingivitis is left unchecked, can shake the teeth, and finally dislodged itself.

If sensitive teeth
* It could happen, our teeth are not hollow, but when drinking hot or cold, sweet or sour foods chewing, sudden tooth ache. If that happens, maybe we are sensitive teeth.

There are various causes of frequent tooth ache when exposed to temperature or taste stimuli. Among them due to the abrasion on the neck of a tooth or a decline in the gums (gingival retraction) which causes the tooth root exposed. Abraded teeth or gums down is usually a result of our own actions is not right. For example, how to brush teeth properly or wear toothbrush bristles are too hard.

Sensitive teeth can also be due to the erosion of enamel because of wearing toothpaste is too abrasive materials. Because of eroded enamel, dentin becomes open, unprotected. As a result, the teeth become sensitive when exposed to stimuli.

Old age can also cause tooth sensitivity, because of retraction (decrease) in the gums that occurs physiologically. Sensitive teeth can also occur after scaling. At that time, exposed tooth root, so sensitive to stimuli. However, in this case the sense of pain usually goes away by itself so the gums close again.

If a tooth ache if we touch the tip of the nail and tooth neck area there are enough in the basin, it is a sign of abrasion that is quite deep. It's time to consult a dentist for further treatment. However, if there are not hollow, immediately replace the toothbrush with softer. In addition, the correct technique in brushing teeth, and use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

Typically, special toothpaste for sensitive teeth contain sodium or strontium chloride monofluorofosfat. According to the study, two materials that will help close the pores open dentin that protects nerve tissue from temperature and taste stimuli. The effect is only felt after a while of use, and usefulness will expire if the use is stopped. So regular use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth is highly recommended.

Acidic foods, such as soft drinks and sour foods, should be avoided. Acid content will also increase the acid environment that will erode the protective material that covers the dentin pores.


* Have you ever heard the term halitosis? Yes, that's another name for bad breath.

Bad breath is the result of metabolism of oral bacteria and food debris, in the form of a gas called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). This gas consists of hydrogen sulphide substances, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl disulfid, and dimethyl sulphide. These substances are always produced in the metabolism of bacteria or normal flora of the oral cavity. So VSCs under normal circumstances there must be in everyone's mouth.

However, he will be a problem when there is an increase in the levels of VSCs in the mouth, ie when there is increased activity of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth that cause odor of VSCs will be wafted by the sense of smell. Increased activity could be due to low oxygen levels in the oral cavity that is when saliva or saliva production decreases, it could be due to gingivitis or tooth decay (caries).

How to overcome include:

* Take care of your health and oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day, morning and night before bed.

* Do not forget to brush your tongue as well, due to the uneven surface of the tongue allow for leftovers stuck there.

* Try to consume water as often as possible, but avoid drinking coffee because it will worsen the situation.

* Chewing gum sweetless or that do not contain sugar can also help to stimulate saliva production, especially for those who have thick saliva.

* Visiting your dentist. Maybe there are no cavities or tartar.

4 Things Should Consider Before Buying Dental Care For Kids

When you Decide to buy Teeth Care, This Things Should Consider Before Buying Dental Care For Kids 

Good Dental Care Fot Kids
Dental care products, from toothbrushes, toothpaste with a variety of shapes and functions, as well as mouthwash, very easily obtainable in supermarket or pharmacy. However, when deciding to buy, what is your consideration?

"Until now there are many Indonesian consumers are choosing dental care products is based on the shape and favorite brand alone. Supposedly, the selection of oral care products is based on the needs of each person," said Prof. Dr. drg Hj Melanie Soedono, MBIOMED, in the show "formula Masquerade Ball "at the Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Central Jakarta, some time ago.

Melanie said, everyone has dental problems and needs are different. These different needs require solutions using different products. For example, when experiencing the problem of sensitive teeth, then you need care oral care products are devoted to caring for sensitive teeth. One vote care products will result in less than the maximum results, and may exacerbate the complaint on the teeth.

Insight Asia Research Institute and the formula has recently conducted a survey to respondents aged 25-35 years, who come from different social and economic status (SES) in Indonesia. The survey results revealed that dental care is a basic need that is required every day. The survey also revealed four things that generally encourage people in choosing oral care products. Maybe you're one of them:

1. Basic clean (cleanliness and protection)
Communities in the group has a clean basic needs need to have teeth that are always protected and clean throughout the day. Through the survey, it is known that Indonesia has the greatest need of this. "Actually it is the most basic needs of a person. It's just to get the maximum protection, not enough to do the standard care such as brushing teeth," said Melanie.

According to him, brushing teeth alone is not enough to maintain oral hygiene and overall health. Because in addition to the teeth, inside the mouth there is also a tongue, gums, mucosa (inner lining of the walls of the mouth), and saliva that must be kept clean. Therefore, the total care of the brush, use mouthwash, and others, should also be performed.

"Note also the quality of each oral care products are used. For example, the selection of the right toothbrush as needed, toothpaste and mouthwash is effective to protect the teeth, without the alcohol content in it," he advised.

2. Problem Avoider (special needs)
Motivation buy oral care products in the second group is based on their need for dental care with special needs such as sensitive teeth, gingivitis (gum inflammation), and inflammation of the mouth. "When the mouth and teeth is in trouble, the tooth can not be treated with standard treatment, but require extra care," he said.

Sensitive teeth need extra care by using a special toothpaste containing potassium nitrate, tea tree oil, clovemint, and fluoride. In addition, Melanie also revealed, toothbrush selected should have a flexible rod, the smaller brush head and extra soft bristles. While mouthwash does not contain alcohol should be selected so as not to make the tooth enamel grow thin.

3. Attractiveness (attractive appearance)
It is undeniable that the teeth healthy, white, and clean, provide added value in one's appearance. This category is occupied by men and women who need support for a more dazzling smile through the appearance of their teeth and fresh breath.

4. Preventive investment (Investment health)
The need for dental care as a health investment desired by many people in the middle class and above. They took care to keep your teeth in perfect health all his life. "Taking care of the teeth in the proper manner and according to the needs of each investment is an asset for dental health in the future. So that teeth can be protected always, and free from gum disease is severe," said the artist, Artika Sari Devi.

Kids Teeth Hygiene, from Early To Permanent Teeth

Dental Care Milk Teeth Kids to Permanent
Dental Care Milk Teeth Kids to Permanent
More than 80 percent of children under the age of 12 years suffer from cavities. The main cause is due to poor dental hygiene maintained. Caring for your teeth properly not just get rid of bacteria and plaque, but also get rid of all dental problems.

Parents are the key to the health of children's teeth. Although milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, but the health condition of the milk teeth are very influential on the growth conditions and the smooth teeth later. Here is the schedule of dental examinations recommended by dental experts, ranging from infants to adults. infant

"Since the baby is born, parents should start to pay attention to the dental health of their children as unwitting baby's diet already contains sugar high," said Dr. Janet Clarke, a pediatric dentist and spokesman for the British Dental Association.

He suggested that parents encourage their children when they do a routine dental examination for children to become familiar with the dentist. Today was pretty much a pediatric dental clinic with a pleasant atmosphere of the practice room.

"Positive experience of the children of the dentist will have an effect on the way they take care of your teeth and visit the dentist throughout their lives," he said.

age of the children

A visit to the dentist in infancy to the toddler will be more focused on counting the number of teeth. "We need to find out if your child's teeth grow too late or not," said Dr. Reza Hejazi, dental surgeon from London.

In the age of the children, parents should make sure children brush their teeth twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride. "At this age children's teeth should be checked at least once a year. If there is damage to the teeth, then he should come every six months," he said.

At primary school age 6 years of age children generally begin to lose their milk teeth and replaced by permanent teeth. Ideally, they have been able to brush his teeth without the help of a parent.

Teach children to limit foods that are sticky on the teeth can make teeth quickly obsolete. The best defense in the teeth is to brush your teeth after eating sugary foods and sticky, or at least rinse.

Pre-teen age

Cavities is a major problem in the dental health of pre teens and teens. Perform maintenance fixed immediately so the damage was minimal and not the child's teeth need to be removed.

Adolescence is an appropriate time to make corrections if the child is less neat arrangement of teeth. "Let's wait until all the permanent teeth growing child so that doctors can determine the appropriate action," said Dr.Clarke.

How to Deal with Child Misbehaving, Cranky Kids

Tips to Deal with Child Misbehaving

Cranking Kids
DEALING cranky child for some moms is definitely not easy. Apparently, this is wrong, it's wrong. Trick is needed to keep his emotions under control.

Check out his review, as described Mira Firlana, Psi., M.Psi.

1. Provide a description of

When your child does not get what he wants, he definitely wants to know what the reason. Thus, Moms is not enough just to say "should not" but rather give a reason why it should not be done. Of course the language or understand the reasons children.

2. Parents must be firm

Allow the child when she was crying rolling around or perhaps silent because they do not obtain what he wants. Children will think that by such action he still would not obtain whatever he wants. Moms and Dads to be compact, not that one gives while the other prohibits it.

In addition, parents need to be consistent, because otherwise the child will be confused because the decision mutually. Moms, do not be sorry for the crying or whining child, because the child was able to manipulate.

3. Provide a description of re

Find the time that 'fit', encourage children to talk and give an explanation on why the time a child is not attained, for example. At the heart of being a good situation, insert will usually be more readily accepted by such a different child when she is cranky. Moms could have been the reason the ban was not received.

4. Reduce the desire to always obey what the children want

Moms or Dads Maybe when a child does not always obtain whatever it wants, and to 'reward' always obey whatever the child asked. Well, if you have this might even be misleading rather than educate children. Unfortunately the child was not always give them what they asked for, but more on attention and what they need. So give what you think Moms are necessary, useful and 'fair' to the child.

It is important for parents!

1. Apply relaxation techniques such as deep breath. This method is powerful enough to bring down 'tension' Moms or Dads who began to rise in the face of the little cranky.

2. Remember that children are not adults in the form of a small child. So the child still does not understand how to respond to something (such as unfulfilled desire) and the child is still in need of understanding and explanation.

3. If the child being 'different' from the rest of the family, parents should be aware that information can now be obtained easily from the outside, such as a television or peers. So do not be surprised if no one in the house who likes cranky, suddenly the little guy even like cranky.

4. Increase your knowledge of the stages of child development, both from magazines, books, internet or otherwise. So you know whether your baby's doings is reasonable or not. After all, this is all for the sake of the development of the baby so that maximum.

6 Benefit for Mom Sleeping 1 Bed With Their Babies

Benefits for Mom Sleeping  Same Bed With The Babies

Sleep with baby store a variety of benefits, one of which is to build attachment parenting (AP) between parent and child. Problem keamanaan bed together, no doubt.

"I have an instinct not to rest on her baby. This is in contrast to her husband or children (sister, for example), so they are not recommended to sleep with the baby," said Dr. Hadining, SpA. "Compared roommate, share a bed more benefits because a parent can be closer to his son. There is no harm or negative side of the bed with the baby," he added.

Here are some of the benefits of sleep with the baby:

* Mutual strengthen the relationship.
Special relationship between mother and child can be established because there is proximity. Very close distance while the mother and baby sleep side by side, creating harmony. Because, the position of the mother and baby to meet each other face, the nose position they both face each other. By the time the mother breathed her soft, it will be felt by the baby. A gust of breath is able to stimulate the baby's mother became more organized and better.

Infant sleep position that is close to the mother also makes the baby can smell the scent of the mother's body and obtain a touch warmer with more intense. In addition to making quieter, it also lowers the stress on the baby.

* Babies sleep more restful and deep.
Sleep side by side with the mother makes the baby more calm and asleep. Better quality of sleep will affect the baby's development in the future. Based on the research, during sleep all the cells of the human body, including muscle cells, liver, kidney, bone marrow, and brain cells to recover. Hormones produced even more active. All that is important to improve the quality and efficiency of the brain.

* The quality and quantity of sleep to be better mothers.
By sleeping in the same bed, the mother can breastfeed immediately calms or when the baby woke up in the middle of the night. Generally, the mother may soon fall back asleep and sleep cycles of both can harmonize with each other. This condition is certainly beneficial because it can improve the quality and quantity of sleep mother.

Generally the mother is well aware of the baby, so that his position will not disturb or harm the baby. The hormones that occur when the baby feeds also cause a relaxing effect, required the mother to be able to sleep again.

* It is easier to breastfeed.
Adjacent position will help the baby suckle easier on the mother. Breastfed babies at night also helps mothers avoid the breast swollen and throbbing. This can cause a variety of symptoms of mastitis (infection of the milk ducts). Sleeping with your baby is also beneficial for parents to work because it can help mothers establish stickiness return after lunch did not meet with her ​​baby.

* Assist the development of the baby.
Share a bed allowing baby to sleep peacefully and soundly. When asleep, the baby experienced a rapid growth. Babies also can breastfeed longer. This gives an additional suction more hindmilk (the milk flowing back which is usually after 15 minutes of breastfeeding). Hindmilk contains high fat and stimulate milk production.

* Develop trust between parent and baby.
Bed together lets give confidence to the baby, no mother at his side always ready to meet the wishes of the beloved baby quickly and precisely. This is certainly very beneficial for the baby as a capital to develop self-confidence (self-esteem) that play a role shaping the personality of the future.

7 Ways To Handle Shy Kids

7 Ways To Handle Shy Kids

If your child is really shy, do not labeled them, because it will make everything worse for the children itself. Remember, children will behave in accordance with what is labeled. You can contribute to minimize shyness in children.

Earlier, the parents need to do is find out, what causes it, and under what circumstances children become shy. Is it only when outside the home, in the current exceptional circumstances, and so on. By doing so, parents have accurate data before the handle causes.

Furthermore, parents can do this a number of ways:

1. Teach children to behave, behave, and even manners in a variety of specific situations. How he learned to start a conversation with her ​​greeting. For example, say hello, praised, or divide it carries snacks. After the first communication goes well, children can learn to lift the hot topics or be a child's favorite.

2. Give children a skilled training so that he spoke in front of the crowd or the public, begins with speaking in front of a mirror, then in front of his parents and siblings at home.

3. Teach also so that he can lead by giving him tasks and responsibilities, such as leading prayer in the classroom.

4. Encourage her to be brave and open when expressing his frustration over the steam.

5. Parents give an example, how to become a person who is confident and bold, so that children can imitate. While at the restaurant, then do not get food to order, for example, parents dare to call a waiter to ask him to replace it.

6. Create a safe environment for children, so that children do not feel anxious or scared blamed, ridiculed, scolded, and so on.

7. Help your child make her feel comfortable with her ​​feelings, it also helps foster self-confidence with a variety of skills.

When parents feel is maximal but still not managed to change the child's shyness, there's no harm in asking for the help of experts. By doing so, potential and social skills children are not affected by excessive shyness.

Signs that Parents Not Close to their Kid

The behavior of children who can not get out of his favorite objects, such as dolls, baby blankets, pillows, etc., considered as a sign that the relationship between parents and children is not well established. What article?

According to Janie Lacy, Mental Health Counselor, a child can not be separated from her beloved objects caused by feeling close to parents. Favorite objects it becomes a tool for them to feel comfortable, which of cource the kids obtained from the child's parents.

As a result, any favorite objects be substituted "figure" or "tools" their protector while in the new environment. If the object does not exist or is far from his view, children become restless, can not be silent, and often cry while screaming.

Lacy said that building relationships between children and parents is a challenge in the modern era like now. Because, most of the family had a father and mother who are both working from morning to dusk. As a result, the parent child communication feels rigid and less open.

To overcome this situation, Lacey suggested that in addition to frequently open the conversation, parents also need to show affection through touch. This can be reflected through the ritual tos (high five), a hug in the morning, kiss at night when they are asleep, or chuck in the head.

A touch of sincere and loving of parents in children, creating a feeling of comfort and make the child feel they have a reliable protector. As a result, when with a parent, the child no longer requires the presence of the beloved object.

In addition to foster protection, full of affectionate touch also makes children feel they are the most important part of your life. It is very useful in the future children and teenagers in trouble, they will prefer to talk to you than to others.

Related Health Information:

     7 Ways to Overcome Shy Child
     Benefits share a bed with baby
     Tips to Deal with Child Misbehaving
     Quick Orgasm? Tuck Pillows in Your Body Down
     Milk Teeth Dental Care to Permanent